Mike Pence Calls Biden's Border Wall Order a "Head-Scratcher"

Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized President Joe Biden's decision to build more border wall, calling it a "head-scratcher."

Pence Calls for Completion of the Wall

Pence, a longtime proponent of border wall construction, accused Biden of abandoning his campaign promise to halt all construction on the wall. 

Biden Reverses Position on Border Wall

Biden will build more border wall, reversing his earlier promise to halt all construction.

Pence Criticizes Biden's Border Policies

Pence has been a vocal critic of Biden's border policies, which he says have led to a surge in illegal immigration.

Biden Admin Defends Decision to Build More Wall

Biden admin says border wall is needed to close gaps and prevent illegal immigration.

Issue Likely to Remain Contentious

The issue of border security is likely to remain a contentious one in the 2024 presidential election.