Arnold Schwarzenegger's Bulking Guide

Learn the core principles of Schwarzenegger's approach to bulking for your own fitness journey.

Calorie Surplu

Consume 250-500 extra calories daily for muscle gain. The foundation of Arnold’s bulking method revolves around consuming a calorie surplus.

Prioritize Protein

If you’re not consuming more calories than your body burns, muscle growth and weight gain become an elusive dream.

Weight Training

Weight training is paramount to stimulate muscle growth. Strive for at least three weightlifting sessions per week.

Weight Training

Initiate with weights that challenge you while allowing you to maintain proper form. Gradually increase the weight as you progress.

Stay Hydrated

Proper hydration is often overlooked. Ensure you drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially on training days.

Quality Sleep

Get 7-8 hours for muscle recovery and growth. If you struggle with sleep, establish a bedtime routine and a regular sleep schedule.